Recently, our facility in Silao, Mexico was awarded a Supplier Quality Excellence Award from General Motors for consistently delivering quality products on time, at rate, and with zero disruptions ...
When COVID-19 made travel almost impossible, Kautex used its new mixed reality environment to solve problems faster, safeguard employee health, stay connected with customers, and reduce unplanned d...
At Kautex in May 2021, we celebrated Learning at Work Week, an important awareness campaign in the UK. Learning at Work Week (LAW) focuses on our human capacity to learn, how we can be great lifelo...
As new technologies and more electronics are added into the vehicle, there are many dependencies among electronics on one another. Because of this, if any electronics fail, it will lead to catastro...
SPICE stands for "Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination". Even if software development was the main driver of the initiative at that time, the "S" in SPICE is nowadays used for ...
Have you ever asked yourself what the future of mobility will look like? To create our Vision 2025 strategy, our leadership team and employees from different departments considered several trends i...
GEARE (The Global Engineering Alliance for Research and Education) is a global exchange program, which includes a three months work experience and study abroad at an exchange university.
The event was initiated to give a look behind the scenes of an industry company, to show technological processes and products of the company and to increase the name recognition of the company in t...
In this year Kautex again supported the Formula Student Germany which was held from August 6 to 12, 2018 at the paddock of the Hockenheimring motor racing circuit. The Formula Student Germany (FSG)...
In 2008, Kautex was one of the first organizations that signed the Diversity Charter. This year, we are celebrating our 10-year anniversary of promoting diversity and a prejudice free working envir...